Crowdfunding is Cool!
Hello friends! No time for a long post unfortunately, though major updates include:
1. The city said we can serve alcohol and let you sit outside. Sweet!
2. The MLCC is coming to take a look at the place and ask us a million questions in a week or so. Sweeter!
3. We need your help and support - please read below, share, and ask us any questions you have about anything. You are seriously the best!
Okay friends and family, many of you have asked how you can help and here it is. We've got just over a month to raise the remaining funds needed to open Borrowed Time, please please take 2 minutes to click the link here and learn more about what we need and why we're asking you for help! We've got lots of great perks in exchange for your support and of course, as always, will love you forever.
If you can't contribute financially, please consider sharing with your friends and family in hopes that we can reach the entire community and ultimately open up a space that everyone will call home.
Please let us know if you have any questions, thank you thank you thank you for your love and support, happy Saturday!!