Inspiration Begets Inspiration
As my last post was two months ago, much has changed. Let's catch up.
*If you follow us on social media, you know we had to cancel our crowdfunding campaign due to unforeseen paperwork complications. Moving on.
*We moved into the residential upstairs unit of 329 Water St. in March and are loving our new lives as Saugatuck residents. The commute is my favorite part.
*Borrowed Time was mentioned in the Holland Sentinel as part of an article detailing new businesses in the area, you can read it here.
*All of our building permits were finalized, construction is completed, and we were approved!
*Paperwork is moving in Lansing RE: liquor license, May is looking like a great month for wine and beer in Saugatuck.
*We've been tasting some great wine/beer/food and almost have an opening menu to tease you with, stay patient and hungry!
*If you are thinking about coming to Saugatuck for Memorial Day Weekend, we think that's just the best idea ever, as we'll be throwing a killer side-yard party and you're invited!
Man, are we learning a lot! I find myself exercising behaviors, emotions, and virtues that have grown lax from far too many years of non(and mis)-use. Constant job-hunting and working 12+ hour days for someone else's dream has left parts of my brain out of practice and afraid of underperforming. While doubts creep up every minute of every day, it sure is nice to see old friends like patience, faith, intuition, and vulnerability again. Apparently tossing your own expectations along with the expectations of friends and family directly out the window has an almost meditative, find your best self effect; not saying I'd recommend it to just anyone.
We see a pretty steady stream of sales reps, family, friends, and future customers coming in and out of Borrowed Time as spring and summer taunt us with their arrival. We're becoming pro's at answering the usual questions like "when are you opening?" and "are you leaving the seating like a living room?". Some remark is always made about long hours and hard work, to which I honestly explain how exhausting dealing with licensing can be, or how overwhelmed I sometimes feel deciding how to plate our dishes or price our wine. This brings about 2 reactions, which I'll list here and briefly address:
1. I bet you're just ready to get the doors open. It will all be worth it.
2. Are you second-guessing your decision to open a restaurant?
OF COURSE WE WANT TO OPEN OUR DOORS! Get out of my head, you mind-reader, you. I love this response, because, if I can generalize real quick, I feel like this camp knows the value of working hard for something you feel deep in your bones is exactly what you should be doing right this moment. I appreciate the reminder not to worry too much about the million decisions that seem so important to me now (which Cabernet do we put on our opening menu? What color do we paint the bathroom walls?). While important, these details are just tiny pixels in a much bigger picture, and I'm learning very few things actually benefit from worry. To quote my new favorite mantra from Bridge of Spies:
To the latter camp, no, there is not one second of any day that I regret, that we regret, putting our whole selves into Borrowed Time. Almost three years ago, when we committed to making our tiny dream a reality, we decided it was crucial to involve as many of the people we hold in our hearts as we possibly could. Each time our insecurities begin to get in the way of our reunion with patience, faith, intuition, and vulnerability, those of you on this journey with us step in and inspire us to keep pushing.
Your patience with our progress has inspired our patience with each paperwork filing, equipment order, and delayed approval.
Your faith in our success has inspired faith in ourselves and in life's miraculous way of always working out the way it is meant to.
Your practically intuitive belief in our knowledge of and passion for this industry has inspired us to act intuitively when making big decisions as swiftly as possible.
Your vulnerability - and by vulnerability, I mean raw, unmasked confidence in our yet-to-be-seen success - is overwhelming at times, and inspires our own vulnerability and honesty with each other and with you, here, now and always.
As is the running theme with these posts, you people make our world go 'round and we certainly wouldn't be weeks away from opening without you. Seriously, if you are still reading this and find yourself anywhere near 329 Water St., stop by and say hello - if there is a car in the driveway, our door is open, and we are always happy to see familiar faces and greet new friends. There's a really good chance in the coming weeks you'll find us in the test kitchen and we're always looking for a few new tasters!
If you can't be here in person, be here in spirit and follow us in the social cloud where we'll be dropping menu and event hints as our opening gets closer.